Sunday 15 December 2013

Crown Brand Corn Beef

For this one we had to do a magazine advert for crown brand corn beef. I really wanted to get some good drawing in this one and I tried very hard to change things when they needed to be fixed but I'm still a bit unsure about it, particularly the bottom strip. This had to be assessed on Friday so I'll know how good it is when we get our results.


For this one I got the prompt "The audience at the last night of the proms." I played to my strengths this time and made the brief an excuse to draw lots of interesting people being expressive. The composition tends to work out well when I cram it full of stuff, but the tutors keep stressing the importance of minimal compositions as well. I'm working on it though.
Editorial 2, well more like a cover illustration but it was part of the same module. Really happy with this one. The tutors were also less critical than usual!

Time to post some Year 3 stuff! This is my response to one of the editorial briefs I was set.


Everyone gets really excited about these monkeys when I show my portfolio to people. My tutors are pushing me to do more pen and ink like this and they're probably right. I do have a tendency of half killing myself chasing these impossible dreams.
This was a response to a brief I got last year for a short story about a man with a glass nose who could smell what people were really thinking, and it was often ugly.
My response to a brief for a smoking poster aimed at encouraging teenage boys to stop smoking. I did try really hard to research how to get through to teenage boys but all the articles I found kept repeating 'sex and violence'. I hope my response isn't too lame.

The Musicians of Bremen Children's Book

I was trying really hard to incorporate more organic patterns into a more complex composition than the baby book. I think I was successful. Every time I show people my portfolio I get really excited by these one but they tend to be greeted with indifference. I think its probably the overly controlled quality of it all, it doesn't quite jam with the organic forms. I'm trying to be less controlling in the picture book I'm currently working, getting lots of inspiration from Dave Mckean's pen and ink style.